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Dear Candice - I am in your world a chocolate nerd.

I am delighted to visit your blog because it will teach me about the intricacies of this delight that I enjoy with zero knowledge and 100% senses.

My favorite truffle happens to be dark chocolate Grand Marnier by Godiva & I love all the chocolates of La Maison du Chocolate. Do you have an opinion?

Feel free to blow some steam :)No offense shall be taken. Promise!

Please pop in and say hello in my corner sometime.

Ciao, Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

Seven of us just tried this complex bar for Sociologists Eat Chocolate (www.marxweberchocolate.blogspot.com). It was not our most beloved chocolate, but those of us who liked it were in awe of its varied flavours. Here's the quote from our review:

"•Proponents said: Poking fingers, sadness, The Grapes of Wrath movie, looking for mushrooms, pocket knives. 2nd try -- hard cheese, hard-crusted bread, the sky of Hamburg's harbour, 18% unemployment. Dispassionate discernment. The righteousness of a teenage girl reading Ayn Rand.; The foil is like Cambodian gold. It's a punch in the mouth, scraped knees, men tarring a roof, the early Industrial Revolution, smog.; and Complex, smoky, rich earth taste. Detractors said: Something rotten. Almost like a European cheese.; Creepy smoky deli meat. Like I vaccuumed a smoker's house and then got the vacuum dust in my face.; and Stinky feet."

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